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Screenshots Revision 0.62 (Sneak Preview)
(There are some spacing problems with the widgets. I am betting
that they are a result of my recent upgrade to Qt 3.0.6... My apologies - it
should look better than this.)
KDE Integration
As soon as you install Infusion on your system, it integrates with your entire KDE
desktop, providing you with a seamless, intuitive user interface.
Starting Infusion for the First Time
The first time you run Infusion, you will be walked through the setup procedure
by the Infusion Account Wizard. Of course, if you prefer to configure things by
hand, simply press "Cancel," and the Wizard will bow out of your way.

Reading your Mail
Your Inbox is the place where you can find all of your e-mail messages. Of course,
if you don't like the integrated mail reader, you can hide it, and open your messages
in their own windows. Have as many messages open as you prefer!
Sticky Notes
Just like the ones on your desk, Infusion's sticky notes hang around to
remind you of things that you need to do.
Task Management
Keep tabs on the things you need to get done (or, if you're like me,
the things you've already forgotten to do).
Contact List
I am currently in the process of implementing contact list management into
Infusion. While it doesn't work yet, it will before too long.
Infusion is designed from the ground up to be user-friendly. As a result, it
goes through painstaking efforts to make sure that it changes to adapt to your
work habits.